The pastor at my Mission church quoted, "Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair -- it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere."
I'm a worrywart. No surprise to those who know me, although I don't think I've let my students know that. They know I'm concerned about them, but every time a student fretted about a mark, a project, or something that happened at home, I always let them know that they are never alone and things will always work out and then we try to find solutions together. I never seem to follow my own advice; is this how others work or am I the only one?
My daddy's been hospitalized again, but he's doing slightly better than the last time he went in. He was short of breath and his stomach swelled, so that's why we admitted him last Friday. He's doing ok and hopefully he can come home tomorrow.
Bridesmaid dresses came in, but I have to go pick them up and then find a good seamstress to do alterations for prices under $70 (that price was quoted at the bridal salon and I'm pretty sure we can do alterations for cheaper). Now we have to find shoes that match and seafoam green is kinda hard to match. Oops, I mean mint...
I'm ready to send out invitations, but the envelope seemed a little small to fit all the pieces in there.

Applying for a new job is tedious. There is no standard of application for the school boards; each district has its own way of doing things. For one district, I have to fill out a timed survey online (45 minutes to complete, apparently) before they'll consider me. For another district, I have been playing phone tag just to see if there are any developments on my application.
My students are absolutely wonderful; I look forward to every weekday because of them. Honestly, I'm not looking forward to the end of the school year because I'll have to say goodbye to them. However, I have one student who is facing personal issues that affect his schoolwork negatively. It's gotten so bad that he is now being home-schooled. I really sympathize with the parents; they are really great people and they have done all they could to help their son. They are in my prayers constantly. Work relationships are still hurt between people who want a union and people who oppose it. It's official, by the way -- we have been unionized.
Finally, possession date of my house is looming. This stress item is actually an exciting one. Look, they put in kitchen cabinets and painted the house! See those boxes on the floor? Laminate flooring is next!
I really have to thank God for his grace and blessings despite all my worries. Paul writes, "...give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18). He didn't say give thanks when God gives me the right circumstances that fulfill what I hope for, but "IN all circumstances." Paul should know; he wrote this while in jail (I think. this blasphemous?). I may have a lot of complaints, but every day I experience joy in the people that God grants me to know and love.
My daddy's still alive to love and be loved.
I'm fortunate to have three best friends to be my bridesmaids.
I have family and friends to whom I can send invitations.
I have a career.
My students love me.
I can afford a house. Well, I can't, but thank goodness for parents and the bank. Ok, not so much the bank. But, I can get a house.
When I look at that list, I really have no reason to worry. God's bigger than anything I can imagine. Now I pray that He'll open up my eyes for opportunities to bless others in the same way He has blessed me so richly.
how 'bout this?
invitations going to your "chinese" guests will get slipped into the envelope the "right" way (of course, you'd want your & Dennis' parents to put those invitations together 'cuz they'd never make a mistake)
and for the other invitations, you can do whatever you like =)
just wanna let you know that i don't need an envelope. hopefully that's one fewer thing to worry about ;)
You could try moving the string around so the rope is on the inside?
Prayers for your dad!
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