Friday, March 23, 2007

How Dumb Is You?

I'll answer that question: DUMB!

I just took CBC's Test the Nation online test. If the national IQ average is 100, I scored 2 below that. Stupid math and perception tests! On the flip side, it doesn't look like I have Alzheimer's anytime soon.


snerk said...

Char and I are geniuses ..... sorry to break it to ya ;)

Anonymous said...

i could have been smarter if i wasn't stumped by the racially discriminating question, aka. the 20% tip on top of the bill question. What Chinese person would tip 20%?!? i was flabbergasted! hmph!

vespertine said...

in my attempt to "de-lurk", I just wanted to say hello!
Junior here...=) Wasn't the Canadian music question more discriminating? Anyways...
Fear not, Tree you is not dumb...;)

Tree said...

HI JUNIOR! Thanks for your vote of confidence that I sought so desperately from my friend, Zvonne. :D