Monday, January 29, 2007

Christian Teacher Dilemma

Before I begin, I must state that there is very much for me to learn as a Christian and as a teacher; I am far from perfect, as I'm sure those who know me well need no reminding! :)

Yesterday, I attended the church service of the church D and I have chosen to go to once we move. A missionary came to give a sermon and he talked a lot about Tibet and West China, where he was serving the past year or so. He mentioned the limitations put on him to share the Word like what words he could say when talking about his mission to the people. In response to this comment, an older gentleman from the back of the church asked the missionary if Bibles were banned in China and the missionary gave his answer. The man then announced that a local school district had recently "voted 8 to 1 in favour of forbidding Bibles from being handed out in school" and expressed displeasure in that. Some members mumbled and nodded in agreement.

Now, I'm all for spreading the Word of God and I wish I could do so better. However, I must be careful how I do so, especially in a non-Christian school. To impose my views of religion or of God on my students will not only be disrespectful to my non-Christian students, but also antithetical to what I believe as a Christian and as a teacher. I have tried evangelizing to strangers, but find that demonstrating God's love to people with whom I share a relationship is a better approach. I care a lot about my students, and of course care about their salvation; however, my relationship with my students is a professional one and I intend to educate my students in a way that allows them to explore all facets before deciding on one view and they must learn to give rationalities for their choice. It is something I would do even for my own children. If my son or daughter ends up being Buddhist or Muslim, then so be it as long as they have fully understood their reasons for not choosing Christianity.

A wise friend recently reminded me of the words spoken by St. Francis of Assisi:

Preach the Gospel always, and when necessary use words.

I may not always verbally share about Christ, but I pray that through my actions I am able to demonstrate Christ-like virtues that my students could choose to emulate.

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