Wednesday, July 24, 2013

San Sebastian, Day 5

We had waited a day and a half for famous potatoes. Bar Nestor makes one big potato and egg pancake  twice a day. We came yesterday to try this legendary food item, but it was sold out in less than 20 minutes! So, today, we waited and even pre-ordered the food. Then, when the time finally came, the place was packed with people and we all watched with bated breath as one of the owners cut the "pancake" and served each slice to the customers.

Then it was beach time! The tide kept coming in and within three hours, the vast beach became a really small sandbox.

After dinner, we joined the throng of people (easily over 100,000 people) enjoying the music of the Jazz Festival. I realized that despite the fact Heineken was sponsoring the event and there were tens of thousands of people, everyone was well-behaved and having a good time. No one tried to call attention to themselves by being loud, no one showed unrestrained alcohol-infused idiocy, almost no one smoked pot, and everyone just enjoyed the music together. Back in Vancouver, our general public can't seem to behave themselves during one fireworks night. Anyway, tonight was a wonderful ending to our time here in San Sebastian.

Our journey continues late tomorrow evening in Barcelona!

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