In the first one, my photographer didn't show up and I didn't even know it until someone at my reception asked me who was going to take pictures of the guests as they arrive. When I realized that and tried to remember what I did between the church ceremony and the reception I couldn't remember!
In the second dream, I took out my wedding dress only to discover a gigantic red stain on the front of my dress.
In the third dream, my wedding bouquet went missing just minutes before the wedding started. In this dream, my wedding was taking place in a large mansion-turned-hotel setting, so my bridesmaids and I each took a floor of the hotel and started to steal flowers from the vases, gardens, and anywhere else we could find flowers. The bouquet I ended up looked really nice! Then, because it was so close to the ceremony time and I didn't want D to see me before it started, my sister, who is my maid of honour, and I went to the tower to wait. To pass the time, we played cards with a couple of boys up there. While we were playing, one of the boys told my sister that Milhouse liked her. Knowing what a loser "Thrillhouse" is, I told my sister that I will go out to distract Milhouse while she makes her way down the aisle. I went out and I hung out with Milhouse in the gardens. He asked me if my sister liked him back and I told him, "Let's not talk about her." Then I woke up.

In reality, however, the real nightmare is creating the guest list. D and I have made our preliminary guest list, but now that we have to think about ordering invitations, we have to finalize the list and that means cutting people out. We want no more than 270 people, but we have 318 so far. The challenge is who to invite: the people I want to come versus the people I'm obliged to invite. Most of the people I'm obligated to invite are parents' friends. Unfortunately, out of respect for our parents, I'm cutting out a lot of people I had originally wanted to be at my wedding.
I'm not proud to say that I've become very petulant over this matter. I've pouted and stamped my feet, but realize it's futile to do so. But, our parents are helping us pay for a house (whenever we find one), so I guess I have to do what they want. D told me that the wedding is not about us, that it may revolve around us, but it really is all about our parents. I guess he's right.
He's always right. Humph.
Ewww...Milhouse? :p
A wedding is not just all about parents. It's about two families coming together. It's about friends and relatives. It's about tradition and culture. It’s about joy and celebration. It's about planning and costs. These are some of the things that revolve around a couple and their wedding. It's not easy making them work together. But they do need to respect one another. Weddings rarely turn out perfect like the movies. But they do work out in the end. :)
hahaha milhouse. i am so going to bug her about it now. anyways i'm sorry about all your wedding troubles, i'll pray for you guys and ask God to help guide you two down the right path.
When we did our guest list we were told to expect anywhere from 10-20% no's... I don't know if that helps you at all... but for us we were right around the 10% number. Some unexpected No's, some unexpected Yes's... in any event, weddings are about family, it's true, and don't worry, in the end all that matters is that you're married. Don't worry about inviting all and sundry - we will rejoice with you even if we are not able to attend :)
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