Monday, February 19, 2007

We Are Sinking

In my first year of teaching, one of my students asked me to help him proofread one of his paragraphs. It was titled "My Favourite Whore." I won't describe the specifics of the paragraph as it does become quite graphic and offensive, but please understand that my student is dyslexic. What he was trying to say was "My Favourite Horse." Some of what he wrote in his paragraph helped clue me into what he was really trying to say.

I came across this commercial while surfing the web and I wonder how others get lost in the translation:

1 comment:

snerk said...

Heehee.... whore...

Wedding planning sure can be stressful. Try to skimp on the flowers, no one really notices them :D and surely an Evite will do the trick for invitations!

Hope everything's ok... at home and such..