Friday, February 9, 2007

Waiting for God's Whisper

Sometimes I wish I speak God. With the house problems and my dad getting hospitalized, I've been wondering what He's trying to tell me about moving to Mission and I've come to three possible answers:

1) He's trying to teach me patience and perseverance; if I trust in Him, He will guide me through these tough times. I've been reading one of my favourite stories about Jesus, "Footprints," a few times lately.

2) He's trying to tell me not to go to Mission. Will there be a better place He can provide D and me, then? There's that trust issue again.
I heard an old joke, retold in a movie I saw recently, about a man who was trapped on the roof of his house during a flood and three times people come by with a boat to offer the man a ride; each time the man would refuse citing, "God will save me." Then the man dies in the flood. When the man meets God face-to-face he asks, "God, why didn't you come to rescue me?" God replies, "What do you mean? I sent you three boats, you dummy!"
I don't want to miss the boat, or worse, refuse one.


3) I've just met with regular life's challenges. House hunting comes with such difficult circumstances sometimes and aging parents who don't listen to doctors' orders will be subjected to health breakdowns. I should still be giving these up to God anyway. Trust in Him.

There's a quote I remember reading a long time ago, "God doesn't shout; He whispers, and in those whispers is the way." I hope He speaks Tree.


Anonymous said...

hi Tree!

I'll pray for your dad, and that you'll hear God's voice.

Glad that realtor issue seems resolved!

Anonymous said...

may God bless you with some stillness, so that when He talks, you'd be able to hear exactly what He wants you to know.